Monday, September 30, 2013

a sick day :/

It's my time to post and it will be a sick blog post this time. I'm feeling awful because I'm sick and I've got temperature. Can't move from my bed! The only thing I have heard in the past 4 days were - drink tea, lay down, and shit like that. I can't do this anymore. I want to go out with my friends, drink coffee, and smoke cigarettes without worrying that I'm going to get sick than I alrealy am. For now I CAN JUST DRING THIS FUCKING TEA!!
I never thought I'll say this but I miss school and art classes and everything. I'm so.bored at home all day long... Eating and sleeping and youtubing all day. It was fun the first day, but 4 days is too much for me.. I check my instagram, facebook, twitter every 5 minutes, I've eaten all the food in my house.. I'm bored right now, writing this (no ofence).
I hope I'll be more interesting next time. Bye bye!

~ Polly

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