Monday, September 30, 2013

a sick day :/

It's my time to post and it will be a sick blog post this time. I'm feeling awful because I'm sick and I've got temperature. Can't move from my bed! The only thing I have heard in the past 4 days were - drink tea, lay down, and shit like that. I can't do this anymore. I want to go out with my friends, drink coffee, and smoke cigarettes without worrying that I'm going to get sick than I alrealy am. For now I CAN JUST DRING THIS FUCKING TEA!!
I never thought I'll say this but I miss school and art classes and everything. I'm so.bored at home all day long... Eating and sleeping and youtubing all day. It was fun the first day, but 4 days is too much for me.. I check my instagram, facebook, twitter every 5 minutes, I've eaten all the food in my house.. I'm bored right now, writing this (no ofence).
I hope I'll be more interesting next time. Bye bye!

~ Polly

Friday, September 27, 2013

listen to me when I'm talking

We're in the 21. century and a lot of us can't imagine their life without technology. I for example check my phone every five min cuz I'm obsessed with it. (don't judge me hah) but the thing I personally hate is when I'm talking to someone and they suddenly take their phone out and start texting someone else.. and I am then standing there like an idiot talking about something for like half an hour and they then reply to me with: ˝huh, can you repeat that. I wasn't listening.˝ DAMN, I WAS FUCKING TALKING TO YOU AND THAT IS THE ANSWER I GET?!? It turns out like I'm so boring and every damn thing in this world is more interesting than what I'm saying this moment... and THAT can sometimes offend people or in my case, get them angry... You know, you could just simply wait me to complete the sentence and than check your damn phone and than everyone would be happy, it's not like your message will run away somewhere.... :S

~ Nika

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Hey guys,
we thought that you can know us better if we simply tell you something about us. so... We are both going to Art School and it has been our third year here. That is our passion and we really love to draw, startng form pencils, markers to watercolours, acrylic, etc.
We met eachother at the beginning of High School cuz we go to the same class and we are friends ever since. For the future (hopefully soon) we plan to make our own Youtube Channel where we can show our ideas in a different way, just for the change, and prove ourselves in a different areas to try something new. We are open persons so we are always for talking so we thought we can talk with you about our similarities and differences and maybe find something in common. :)

~ Polly&Nika

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

I would like to welcome everyone who took a bit of their time to read this and to come to our blog. For you, it's a minute of work, but for us, it means a lot. Now lets get to the main point..
Polly and I have decided to create this blog for a very simple reason and that is to talk openly with you about our opinions, desires, concerns, etc. And ofcourse, to have fun. We hope that you all will spend a nice time here with us. ♥

~ Nika