Friday, October 11, 2013


Everyone has heard about the friendzone, but what does that exactly mean?
That is when one person wishes to enter into a romantic or maybe sexual relationship, while the other doesn't. For most of the people it's generally considered to be an undesirable situation.
Maybe sone of you can relate to it because you have found yourself in such situations. Like for example, you have a freind with who you are reallyclose with and you start gaining feelings that are more than just friendship ones and after you admit that to the other person they reply you with: ''I feel the same way but I'm concerned about our friendship in the future if we break up.'' or there is the worst version of them all - ''I love you just like a friend (and there will be nothing more).''  At that precise moment you can feel the letters slowly showing on your forehead and guess what it says... YOU JUST GOT FRIENDZONED!!
Once the friendzone is established, it is said to be difficult to move beyond that point in the relationship. Or as we like to say it - when you are into the friendzone, it's hard to get out. Ofcours, there are ways, nothing is impossible, but it depends from person to person.

~ Nika

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